Happy Social Work Month 2018

Each March the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) celebrates social work month as a way to raise awareness of the profession and recognize the great works provided each day by social workers throughout the world.  The theme chosen for 2018 is “Social Workers: Leaders. Advocates. Champions”

From the NASW Website regarding this years theme:

“Every day the nation’s 650,000 social workers act as advocates, champions and leaders who make our society a better place to live…Social workers are trained to look at situations in a holistic way, bringing people together with others and their communities to find ways to address pressing individual, group and societal problems such as hunger, affordable housing, equal rights for all and making organizations and government accountable…As the nation commemorates Social Work Month in March, it is important for the public to recognize that the need for social workers to be strong advocates, champions and leaders is more important than ever.”

We are fortunate to have many social workers within our various Corps and Service Extension Units throughout the Division.  Be sure to take a moment to thank the social workers at your location for their service and recognize their dedication to the social work profession.

For those of you who are social workers a BIG thank you for all you do as part of The Salvation Army and the individuals and families serviced by the local units every day.

Territorial Pathway of Hope Achievement and Outstanding Awards

Annually, the Central Territory recognizes locations that are demonstrating excellence in the provision of services to Pathway of Hope families.  As part of this most recent round of awards the Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Division was thrilled to have the Fox Cities and Oshkosh Corps recognized.

Territorial Achievement Award – Fox Cities Corps

The Fox Cities Corps approaches each Pathway of Hope family as individuals and creates a service plan around their unique circumstances.  As a team they work collaboratively to ensure the needs of the family are met and the highest level of service is provided.

During 2017 the Fox Cities Corps enrolled 14 new families in Pathway of Hope and have had 4 families successful complete to date!  To best support these families in their endeavors the Fox Cities team has developed a network of community support they can call on to ensure the families’ needs are met.

Finally, the Corps’ Pastoral Care Team has put together welcome baskets for new Pathway of Hope families that include household products and information on how to engage with Corps activities or the Pastoral Care team.

Congratulations to the Fox Cities Corps!

Territorial Outstanding Award – Oshkosh Corps

The Oshkosh Corps works as a team to ensure the holistic needs of their Pathway of Hope families has been met. Sharing information about Corps programs and Pastoral Care services is a priority.  Their teamwork extends to the community where the Oshkosh Corps has also successfully engaged several community partners with Pathway of Hope through referral agreements, resources or additional supports to families being served through Pathway of Hope.

In 2017, the Oshkosh Corps has enrolled a record number of 21 families in Pathway of Hope and has had 11 families successful complete to date. In response to the needs of the families served the Oshkosh Corps launched a laundry card program for Pathway of Hope families that provides a resource to ensure the family has clean clothes for school, employment and other activities Additionally, this a support frees up resources allowing the family to meet other financial obligations while working on their goals.

Congratulations to the Oshkosh Corps!

Territorial Pathway of Hope Achievement and Outstanding Awards

Twice a year the Central Territory recognizes locations that are demonstrating excellence in the provision of services to Pathway of Hope families.  As part of this most recent round of awards the Wisconsin & Upper Michigan Division was thrilled to have the Oshkosh and Fond du Lac Corps recognized.

Territorial Achievement Award – Oshkosh Corps

The Achievement Award is the first tier award that is presented to a location that is achieving the major Pathway of Hope outcomes.  To date the Oshkosh Corps has enrolled 26 families in Pathway of Hope and at least half of these families have reported an increase in stability, reduction in barriers and increase in hope.  Families that have participated in Pathway of Hope in Oshkosh have recently accomplished goals such as obtaining new stable housing, finding employment, getting connected with health care and learning budgeting skills. As a team, the Oshkosh Corps has also successfully strengthened relationships with community partners to identify families that would benefit in Pathway of Hope and connect families with services in the community. In addition to the recognition the Corps will receive a $1,500 grant to support services to Pathway of Hope families. Congratulations to the Oshkosh Corps!

Territorial Outstanding Award – Fond du Lac Corps

The Outstanding Award is the second tier award that recognizes continued excellence in Pathway of Hope implementation and the addition of an additional services to address the needs of families participating in Pathway of Hope. Locations awarded the Outstanding award have already been the recipient of the Achievement Award. A commonly need identified by Pathway of Hope families in Fond du Lac has been the need for vehicle repair services to ensure they have safe and reliable transportation which provides the ability for their daily needs to be met and reduces barriers to employment, education and more. The Fond du Lac Corps staff recognized this gap in services and worked as a team to identify a solution. A partnership has been developed with a local auto repair shop to accept vouchers for repair work. In addition to this recognition, the Fond du Lac Corps will be the recipient of a $5,000 grant to support this new service and their continued work with Pathway of Hope. Congratulations to the Fond du Lac Corps!